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Philanthropy: Latest News
A Checklist for Impact Measurement: A Guide for Foundations Just Starting Out
For foundations and fonds de dotation, understanding how to measure social impact is key in assessing their own effectiveness. This article
Building a Fruitful Relationship Between Foundations and Charity Partners: Correcting Power Imbalances.
Construire un partenariat solide entre fondation ou FDD et association nécessite compréhension, confiance, engagement mutuel et équilibre.
Open Philanthropy: Transforming the Dynamics of Giving
Many of us have heard about trust-based philanthropy and participatory grantmaking. There is however less talk about open philanthropy, even
You’ve created your foundation and you’re ready to make a donation…but how do you select which charity to support?
With 1,3 million charitable organisations in France alone, selecting the right charities for your foundation or fonds de dotation to ....
What does a one-time vs.multi-year donation mean for your foundation and for your grantees?
What does a one-time vs.multi-year donation mean for your foundation and for your grantees?
Effective Altruism, is it the Right Philanthropic Strategy for Me?
Taking a look at the essence of effective altruism, its fundamental principles, its key proponents, and the criticisms it faces.
Key Practical, Legal and Financial Considerations when Selecting the Right French Foundation Structure for You.
Dans la philanthropie, l'un des choix les plus importants est le véhicule - quel type de fondation vous convient le mieux ?
Navigating the Path of Philanthropy: Questions to Ask Before Taking the Plunge.
Se lancer dans une démarche philanthropique une réflexion approfondie et une bonne dose d'introspection. Voici quelques éclairages:
Philanthropy Trends in 2024: What we can hope to see from private and family foundations.
Some of the philanthropy trends in 2024 I think we may see, along with a few that I hope to see more of within foundations and funds.
Why philanthropy isn't just for the wealthy and privileged.
Nous avons parfois une relation difficile avec la philanthropie, pensant que ce n'est que "pour les riches", mais la réalité est tout autre.
Embracing Trust-Based Philanthropy: A New Paradigm for Foundations
In the world of philanthropy, foundations play a crucial role in driving social change and making a positive impact on society. However,...
When philanthropy innovates. Stepping down to be more effective.
When Philanthropy innovates, it's worth a look. The latest in a series of bold moves by entrepreneurs (for example Patagonia Founder Yvon...
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